Creamy Broccoli Soup 

Makes ~4 Servings

Required Equipment: Food processor


  • 1-1.5 lb or ~8 cups chopped broccoli (fresh or frozen)

  • ~4 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in half

  • 1/2-1 tsp salt, more to taste 

  • 2-4 cups vegetable broth

  • 1 can (or 1.5 cups) white beans  

  • Black pepper to taste

  • 2 tsp miso paste, optional 

  • Optional: Up to 1 cup unflavored, unsweetened soymilk (to boost the protein)

  • *Optional but recommemded: ½ cup onion (white or yellow), chopped 


  1. In soup pan, sauté chopped onion in small amount of oil for several minutes (if using, otherwise skip to next step)

  2. Add 2 cups broth, salt and chopped broccoli and garlic; boil for several minutes, broccoli will steam.

  3. Place beans, miso paste (if using) and boiled broccoli/broth mix into food processor, pulse to preferred consistency (I recommend leaving a small amount of texture)

  4. Pour back into soup pot, add more broth (and soymilk, if using) to reach desired consistency

  5. Add black pepper, add more salt, to taste

*If you do not want to use onions, you can use a small amount of onion powder OR omit altogether

Serve with whole grain toast, crackers, or pita bread, and a side of fruit!


Cheesy Spinach Toast 


Homemade Tomato Soup