Makes 2-4 servings


  • 1 bundle or container of very crisp romaine lettuce 

  • 1 red bell pepper 

  • 1 can black or green olives 

  • 1 cup whole grain rice, cooked

  • 1 can low fat/ fat free refried beans 

  • 1 avocado 

  • ~1 cup cabbaged, shredded (I use a coleslaw mix) 

  • ¼ onion, chopped (optional) 

  • ~½ cup shredded carrots

  • Shredded Mexican cheese, optional 

  • 1 jar of your favorite salsa

  • 1 fresh lime 

  • Corn tortilla chips 

  • Optional, frozen, thawed sweet corn 

  • Optional, to add more protein: crumbled tempeh with taco seasoning OR a lean ground beef 

  • Optional, roasted and diced sweet potato 


  1. Cook rice

  2. Boil or bake sweet potato (if using) 

  3. Pan-cook tempeh or ground beef, if using 

  4. Make sure lettuce is washed and all excess water is gone, chop into small bite-size pieces 

  5. Chop: onion, and red bell pepper

  6. Shred carrots and cabbage, if needed

  7. Heat the amount of refried beans you will be using- microwave or on pan is good

  8. To assemble: Use a large plate and place a generous amount of  lettuce first, followed by rice, cheese (if using), shredded cabbage and carrots, refried beans, olives, onion, red bell pepper, meat or tempeh (if using), squeeze fresh lime on top, along with the salsa; if using sweet potato- plate spread along the side of the salad; top with avocado and crushed tortilla chips

  9. Alternatively, you can toss all the ingredients together (aside from the lime, salsa, and chips) in a large bowl and dish up that way. Once on the plate(s), add the salsa, fresh lime, and chips!


BBQ Tofu Sandwich 


High Protein Veggie Burger