Dairy Free, Protein Rich Chocolate Pudding

Makes ~4 servings

Equipment Needed: Hand blender


  • 3 cups soy milk; you can use original, vanilla, or unsweetened- whichever you prefer! *See notes for brands I recommend

  • ¼ cup cold water

  • ¼ cup + 2 Tbsp non GMO cornstarch 

  • 1 tsp real vanilla extract 

  • ½ cup sugar

  • ½ cup 100% cocoa powder


  1. In a small bowl, mix the cornstarch with the cold water, mix well

  2. Add the all the ingredients to a medium-large size pot, including the cornstarch mixture, beat well with whisk until the cocoa powder is FULLY incorporated 

  3. Turn the heat on medium and DO NOT WALK AWAY

  4. Continue to stir from the bottom of the pan, the whole time, as this burns very quickly on the bottom due to the high starch content

  5. The mixture will come to a low boil, you can turn down the heat a bit from here, but continue to stir (from the bottom) until the pudding thickens. 

  6. Then you can remove from the heat, and continue to stir occasionally as the mixture cools. It will continue to thicken as it cools! 

  7. After it cools for over an hour, use the hand-held blender to blend out all the lumps, so it becomes very silky and smooth. 

  8. Transfer into covered container and store in the fridge; should stay good for at least 7-10 days. 


*My favorite brand of soy milk is Eden Soy Original, Extra. This is shelf stable so found in the milk alternative aisles, but unfortunately, it’s not at all grocery stores. Any soymilk will do the trick though!


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