Superfood Tacos


Ingredients and nutrition facts listed for 2 tacos. Double, triple, quadruple the recipe based on how many tacos you will need to prepare!


  • 2 taco-sized Flour tortillas

  • 2/3 cup Fresh blueberries

  • 1.5-2 cups Broccoli florets or baby broccoli

  • 1/5 block Extra firm or super firm tofu

  • 1 large or 2 medium-sized Carrots

  • pinch of salt

  • 2 Tbsp Hemp seeds

  • ~3 Tbsp BBQ sauce (optional, but highly recommended)


  1. Peel and slice the carrots and cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces

  2. Together, steam the carrots and broccoli

  3. Using a clean towel, press out the extra water from the tofu and slice into French-fry-shaped and sized sticks

  4. Lightly oil a non-stick skillet and cook tofu on medium heat, rotating every ~1 minute to cook all side of the tofu; it should be lightly browned; alternatively, you can bake the lightly oiled tofu in the oven on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet for 10 minutes at 350°F

  5. Place blueberries on tinfoil and toast in a toaster oven* for ~1 minute; they are done when they become slightly darker and plump up- do not let them release their juices, that means you overcooked them (and will not be as fun to eat because they will not ‘pop’ in your mouth and will be messy!); if you do not have a toaster oven, try heating them in a pre-heating oven or on a non-stick skillet on low heat

  6. Lightly warm the tortillas (only takes a few seconds!)

  7. Time to stack the tacos- first layer with some toasted blueberries (save a few for the top), tofu, then broccoli, hemp seeds, carrots, then the remaining blueberries

  8. Serve them with BBQ sauce


Pre-run Tacos 


Vegetarian Tacos